Friday, August 29, 2014

So hot you gotta say it twice.

If you think I am a egoistic, arrogant and self-loving creature you are entirely right and you can leave this blog spot immediately.

No but, I am actually a cowardly person and have self-destructing tendencies.

This blog spot is an elaborate guise to fool the reader (i.e. you) into thinking I have an amazing life by blowing every thing out of proportion, and in doing so impress the living mind out of you and leave you in awe while at the same time fan my ego for I am a self admitted insecure little person.

Now every entry will be written with a 5'5'' 20 year old Asian girl with flowing hair down to chest level and have porcelain complexion, BON-ki-BON figure, high nose, small lips and big eyes.... in mind. Because I am at my best when I try to impress. In other words, when I am desperate for attention and validation.

Moving along, the matter on which I will touch will not be specific, but encompassing a wide array of topics I find interesting/worth discussing. I will ensure to the best of my abilities that all entries be written truest to how I experience/think/feel about it.

I don't have an intended audience in mind except for that flawless person I mentioned earlier. Imaginary person. Or maybe not? Hm.

Poke at my brain if you wish by leaving a comment.

By gods, I my goal for this blog is to leave a digital representation of myself online (Facebook/Twitter has limited space to freely express and document) before I should suffer some debilitating ailment, God forbid. (whatever that means)

Highest regard,


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